Naked Lunch, Szmyd
Szmyd Marta
Szmyd Marta
120 zł
Poster inspired by movie Naked Lunch directed by David Cronenberg
Dead Ringers, Szmyd
Szmyd Marta
Szmyd Marta
120 zł
Poster inspired by movie Dead Ringers directed by David Cronenberg
Videodrome, Szmyd
Szmyd Marta
Szmyd Marta
120 zł
Poster inspired by movie Videodrome directed by David Cronenberg
Eternal Sunshine of...
Amelia Marcelina
Amelia Marcelina
180 zł
Poster for movie 'Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind' directed by Michel Gondry
Lost in Translation
Amelia Marcelina
Amelia Marcelina
180 zł
Polish poster for movie 'Lost in Translation' directed by Sofia Coppola