Wszystkie wpisy
Poster Fair in Warsaw
3 December 2017 (Sunday) you will meet us at the Poster Fair in Warsaw
Journeys - small and big
October 23 - December 9, 2017
In memoriam Mieczysław Górowski (1941-2011)
December 11, 2017 - January 6, 2018
Jacx Staniszewski "posterformance"
January 21 – February 21, 2018
New posters arrival
We have just received new posters by Jacek Staniszewski. Check it out!
POSTERQNCE. Piotr Kunce posters
23 February – 23 March 2018
Internships in Dydo Poster Gallery
We invite students to cooperate as part of internships.
Call for entries 3. PlakatFest in Chorzow
Professionally active graphic designers, Art academy students in their final academic years and persons who deal with graphic design can submit...
Posters at home
Posters that we have in our offer are hanging on the walls in our gallery now. Come and see!
Polish Posters under Northern Lights - Iceland 2017
7 - 27 April 2018
Happy Easter
Our gallery will be closed 1-2 April 2018. Happy Easter!
Guests at the opening "Polish Posters under Northern Lights"
On Saturday, 7 April 2018, at 17-18 there will be the opening of the exhibition Polish Posters under Northern Lights - Iceland 2017. At the...
Cultural Vintage Fair vol. 3 x 14.04 in Warsaw
Islandic slideshow
At the end of the Polish Posters under Northern Lights -...
Opening hours 1-3 May 2018
May 1 (Tuesday) gallery will be closed. May 2-3, it's open, we invite you to the gallery!
PlakatFest starter
10-25 May 2018
Vintage and Retro Fair Kogel Mogel
12 May 2018, 11am-7pm, Dolnych Młynów Street 10, Kraków
TYPE + TEXT | Cracovia
TYPE + TEXT | Cracovia International Typographic Poster Exhibition
Polish Poster School in the Romanian capital of cinema
6 May - 3 June 2018, The Art Museum of Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Independent Film Posters / 58. Krakow Film Festival
28 May – 6 June 2018, event during 58th Krakow Film Festival
Jewish culture in Polish posters / 28. Jewish Culture Festival
23 June – 13 July 2018
Tomasz Bogusławski Posters
July 21 - August 12, 2018. We are extending the exhibition until August 26th!
Jakub Zasada | posters
1-16 September 2018
Gallery closed 14-15 July
Gallery will be closed during the weekend 14-15 July. See you on Monday!
Poster competition
Poster competition: Mysterious Kraków. 40 years on the UNESCO World Heritage list
Poster workshops
Wydarzenia towarzyszące konkursowi na plakat Niezwykłe oblicza Krakowa. 40 lat na liście Światowego Dziedzictwa UNESCO
Polnische Plakatkunst 1985-2018
15.09.2018-31.03.2019, PAN kunstforum niederrhein e.V., Emmerich am Rhein, Germany
Eroticism in the Polish posters
Plakátok. International Poster Exhibition. Poland & Hungary.
Post-competition exhibition Mysterious Kraków
1st November is a Public Holiday
Gallery is closed on Thursday, 1.11.2018
Minimalism? Wladyslaw Pluta
Gallery closed 16-23 November
The gallery will be closed between 16-23 November 2018.
Horse in Polish poster
Hodowca i Jeździec, Rok XVI Nr 3 (58) Lato 2018, Historia i Sztuka, s.106-109
Four jazz walls
10 - 27 January 2019
Polish Poster in Croatia: Body
21.1-15.2.2019, Izidor Kršnjavi Gallery, School of Applied Art and Design, Zagreb, Croatia
Mirosław Adamczyk. Posters
Experiments | Agnieszka Ziemiszewska | Posters
Poetry in the Gallery
Moving pictures| Kaja Renkas | Plakaty
Woman's Day
8.03.2019, 19:00-21:00
Torun / Exhibition of archival theater posters
7.04-9.05.2019, Galeria Dworzec Zachodni, Toruń
Happy Easter
Gallery is closed 21-22 April 2019
Gallery closed 25 April 2019
Gallery will be closed 25th April 2019. Sorry for inconvenience
May Days (Majówka) 2019 - gallery closed
Gallery will be closed between 1-6 May 2019
Poster exhibition - Monika Starowicz
Gombrowicz in theatre | Sosnowiec
28 May 2019, 17.30, Zagłębiowska Mediateka, ul. Kościelna 11, Sosnowiec
Gallery closed 20-24 June
Gallery will be closed between 20-24 June 2019.
Announcement of the competition for a bicycle poster
Cycling poster 2019
Eric Olivares / PlakatFest
Mosaic of Polish Poster
3P: portrait, poster and poetry
1-21 October 2019 / Poetry Night
Colourful vision / Patrycja Longawa
1-2 November gallery closed
1-2.11.2019 gallery will be closed
12 November gallery closed
Tuesday, 12.11.2019 gallery will be closed.
Results of cycling poster competition
The results of the cycling poster competition 'Poster moves me' have been published.
Poster moves me
Workshops during exhibition Poster moves me
23.11-7.12.201929.11, 30.11, 8.12.2019
Christmas and New Year's break
Gallery will be closed 22.12.2019-6.01.2020
Italian scene in a Polish poster
Beauty and poster | Bielsko-Biala
February-March 2020, Bielskie Centrum Kultury, Bielsko-Biała
Coronavirus disease (COVID-19)
Information on the gallery's activity since 14 March 2020.
FOR/ AGAINST poster competition
International poster competition for students and recent graduates who have completed their studies in the last 5 years.
There is no exhibition in September, but posters hang on the walls anyway. You are welcome!
Więcej ...Posters for ten
19th September 2020, Saturday, 2:30pm-5:30pm
FOR/AGAINST post-competition poster exhibition
List of exhibitions outside the gallery X-XI 2020
There is currently no exhibition in our gallery, but we invite you to other places where you can see Polish posters from Dydo Poster...
Gallery closed 22nd October
Dydo Poster Gallery will be closed Thursday, 22 October, 2020.
Gallery closed 28th October
Poster workshops Less is more!
Sorry, but workshops will be held only in Polish language.
Posters for 25
On-line sale 29.01-1.02.2021
Opening hours in April 2021
Gallery will be closed 1-12 April 2021.
Posters for 25 (MAY)
Coming soon!
Birds are among us
April - August 2021
Lemland 2021 Poster Competition
Submission deadline: 1st July 2021
Gallery closed 8 May 2021
Gallery will be closed on Saturday, 8th May 2021
Posters for 10 + Zdrój (Wroclaw) concert improv
Saturday, 26 June 2021
Witold Gombrowicz. Poster exhibition in Berlin
Opening: Thursday, 8th July 2021, 7pm.
Exhibition / Lemland 2021 International Poster Competition
Opening: Saturday, September 25th, 2021
40% promo for Poster's second anniversary of moving to Krakow
Use discount code for 40% off dog category posters!
Time of action November 10-15, 2021
Poster workshop Fashion versus Style
20→21 November 2021 / online
Posters for 10 / Targi Kogel Mogel
20-21 November 2021, Krakowskie Forum Kultury, ul. Mikołajska 2
Gallery closed 23-28.11
The stationary gallery will be officially closed this week (23-28.11), but if anyone has scheduled a visit in advance or has another urgent...
Ciekawe Plakaty Kobiet w CPK
3 December 2021, 6pm. , Centrum Praw Kobiet w Krakowie, ul. Dunajewskiego 5
Iranian poster in Krakow
25.03.2022, 3pm - Pracownia Projektowania Plakatu ASP Kraków, ul. Karmelicka 16
30.03.2022, 11am - Kampus...
May holiday extended / gallery closed 1-9.05
Gallery will be closed May, 1-9.
Konfrontacje Plakatu Studenckiego 2022, Tarnów
Wernisaż: 27.05.2022, godz. 18:00
Wystawa czynna: 28.05–30.07.2022
Rynek w Tarnowie oraz...
Film Party
We are currently changing the posters on our walls to.... movie posters!
Virtual exhibition - Romanticism in Polish Poster Part 1: Literature and Theatre
Віртуальная выстава "Рамантызм у польскім плакаце"
Virtual exhibition - Romanticism in Polish Poster Part 2: Music
Рамантызм у польскім плакаце
Gallery closed 3 September
The gallery will be closed on Saturday, September 3.
5th birthday of Dydo Poster Gallery
it's been 5 years!
Virtual exhibition - Romanticism in Polish Poster Part 3: Romanticism in Europe
Рамантызм у польскім плакаце
On the trail of surrealism in the Polish poster. FRANCISZEK STAROWIEYSKI (1930-2009)
Opening: January 26, 2023, 5pm
Virtual exhibition - Patrycja Longawa. Poster. Selected from 2013-2023
We invite you to visit a virtual exhibition of posters by Patrycja Longawa from the Dydo Poster Collection..
Summer holiday exhibition - Krakow like from a poster
June - September 2023
Poster for twenty zloty / 7 October
Saturday, October 7, 11:00 am - 2:00 pm
Henryk w Krakowie
Wystawa plakatów Henryka Tomaszewskiego, październik - grudzień 2023
wernisaż: sobota, 21 października, 17:00
Die Kunst der polnischen Filmplakate in Düsseldorf [Germany]
100 polnische Filmplakate in Programmkinos Atelier, Bambi, Cinema, Metropol und im Polnischen Institut Düsseldorf. 20.10.2023 – 31.01.2024
A poster stand at the Kogel Mogel Vintage and Retro Fair / 10 December
Kogel Mogel Vintage and Retro Fair
10 December 2023, 12:00-18:00
Hevre, ul. Meiselsa 18, Kraków
Search operation "Posterek" on advertising columns / Kraków
Exactly 50 posters escaped to the city of Kraków and our goal is to find all of them by December 24.
It's just an experiment. Poster exhibition by Bogna Otto-Węgrzyn
It's just an experiment. Poster exhibition by Bogna Otto-Węgrzyn
Opening: Monday, February 5, 2024, 6:00 p.m
Die Kunst der polnischen Filmplakate in Darmstadt [Germany]
Donnerstag, 7. März 2024, 18 Uhr Vernissage im Deutschen Polen-Institut, Residenzschloss Darmstadt
Poster for twenty zloty / 20 April
Saturday, April 20, 10:30 am - 1:30 pm
Throughout his life - poster. Tadeusz Grabowski 1929-2020. designer, poster artist, educator
may-june 2024
opening: Tuesday, May 7, at 6 pm
Targi Vintage i Retro Kogel Mogel & Targi Winyli w Lastriko, Kraków / 7.07
Sunday, 7 July, 12:00-20:00
Kraków, ul. Gołębia 6
Jak z Mrozka. Sławomir Mrożek's theater in the poster
exhibition opening: Thursday, July 11, 5:30 pm
Opening hours in August
Check the gallery's current opening hours until the end of August 2024!
Motywy ludowe w plakacie polskim/ Folk motifs in Polish poster, Nisko
The opening of the exhibition will take place on September 8, 2024, at 5:00 pm at the Niżańskie Centrum Historii i Tradycji.
Wojciech Kołek Poster Exhibition
Opening: 17 September, 17:00
Finissage: 15 November, 17:00
Poster exhibition Cyprian Kamil Norwid among the Romantics, Chrzęstne-Dębinki
Exhibition of Dydo Poster Collection posters related to Cyprian Kamil Norwid, a Polish poet, as part of the Second Bibliophilic and...
30% discount on posters for Dydo Poster Gallery's 7th birthday
The discount can be used from 22-27 October 2024 in our online store.
Poster for twenty zloty / 12-14 November
12-14 November, 2:30 pm - 6:30 pm
Krakow, al. Focha 1 (former Cracovia Hotel)
Hommage à Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec. Posters from the international exhibition "Nouveau Salon des Cent" in 2001 in Paris
exhibition opening: Thursday, November 28, 2024, 4:00 p.m. at Dydo Poster Gallery, al. Focha 1, Krakow
Dzisiaj galeria jest otwarta ostatni raz w tym roku!
On 19th December 2024 our gallery is open for the last time this year. We would like to invite you again on 2nd January 2025!
Heart in Polish Poster Art
Heart in Polish Poster Art, Dydo Poster Collection
February - March 2025
Dydo Poster Gallery
Krakow, al. Focha 1
Sammlung Krzysztof Dydo, Polnische Plakate 2004-2024, PAN Kunstforum Niederrhein [Germany]
Sammlung Krzysztof Dydo
Polnische Plakate 2004-2024
vom 14. Februar 2025 bis zum 27. April 2025
PAN Kunstforum...