Poster for twenty zloty / 20 April

POSTER FOR TWENTY ZŁOTY campaign is a stationary sale of posters with little damage. We don't give any inventory beforehand. You come and look at what we have. You want it, you buy it. First come, first served.
Pricing: 1 poster = 20 PLN
Saturday, April 20, 10:30 am - 1:30 pm
Krakow, al. Focha 1 (former Cracovia Hotel)
Action plan:
1. We have a number of poster viewing stations and let as many people as can fit into the gallery so that, let's say, it is "comfortable" to move around and participate in the show. This varies.
2 There will be two tables on the first floor in the gallery, and upstairs as well. At each of them our people will interlay posters from one side, to the other. There are a lot of posters, it is possible that at one stand you will spend from 10 minutes.
3 We rearrange the posters, you look at them. If you like a poster, you let us know right away and the poster lands in your hands. Whoever is first, is better.
4. if you choose several posters, you have to take care of where you put them away yourself and keep an eye on them. It is safest to hold the posters in your hands.
5.When the poster rearrangement demonstration is over on one table, you can approach another stand. The posters on the tables may be different.
6.If you are decided what you want to buy, there will be a packing station on the floor outside the door. Come up there to finalize the transaction.
We accept payment by cash or card (blik we don't have).
L E T ' S G O !