Motywy ludowe w plakacie polskim/ Folk motifs in Polish poster, Nisko

Poster: Adam Pękalski
“Folk motifs in Polish poster”
September 8 - October 31, 2024
Niżańskie Centrum Historii i Tradycji
The presented posters come from the collection of Krzysztof Dydo, owner of the “Dydo Poster Collection”
Exhibition opening: September 8, 2024 at 5:00 pm at the Niżańskie Centrum Historii i Tradycji.
The exhibition is a kind of journey through the last 70 years of Polish poster art, where we will find works by both artists of the Polish poster school period and those of the younger generation. The exhibition includes 40 works by artists such as - Waldemar Swierzy, Jan Mlodożeniec, Maciej Urbaniec, Wiktor Górka, Leszek Holdanowicz, Eryk Lipinski, Jerzy Treutler, Jerzy Czerniawski, Marian Nowiński, Bożena Jankowska, Adam Kilian, Ewa Salamon, Danuta Cesarska, Jan Szancenbach, Jerzy Napieracz, Jerzy Skąpski, Slawomir Lewczuk, Bożena Rogowska, Andrzej Mleczko, Mieczysław Górowski, Tadeusz Grabowski, Michał Kliś, Marek Mosiński, Kaja Renkas, Józef Dynda, Alina Kalczyńska, Mirosław Adamczyk, Ryszard Kaja, Ireneusz Parzyszek, Tomasz Bogusławski, Adam Pękalski. The exhibition shows the effects of referring to folk culture in Polish applied graphics. Combining simplicity with artistic finesse, the posters show contemporary issues framed through the prism of folk motifs, which fit into the formula of mass art. These ethnic inspirations, which can be observed in the presented posters, are like a time machine that takes us back several decades and shows how the poster - one of the most popular forms of communication at the time - developed.