FOR/ AGAINST poster competition

Create a poster showcasing an issue or a phenomenon that is important to you. Show the world what you believe brings a positive change or what you would like to criticise and improve. Your poster can show your support and appreciation for a cause but it can also be a protest. What are you FOR and what are you AGAINST? Express your opinion and share your ideas with the world.
The competition is open for students and recent graduates who have completed their studies in the last 5 years
Each participant can submit up to three different posters
Applications can be only submitted online by completing the submissions form found below
Specs: format of submissions: a poster preview 7 x 10 cm
Each file must be saved with a 6-digit code as indicated on the submissions form.
An international jury will select 3 winners:
- 1st place: 2500 PLN
- 2nd place: 1500 PLN
- 3rd place: 1000 PLN
and 50 best posters from all correctly submitted applications.
The selected works will be presented during five post-competition exhibitions in in Poland.
- Lech Majewski, Poland
- Suzana Machicao, Bolivia
- Götz Gramlich, Germany
- Agnieszka Ziemiszewska, Poland
- Leo Lin, Taiwan
- Xavier Bermúdez, Mexico
- Tomoko Miyagawa, Japan
- Arafat Al-Naim, UAE
- Laze Tripkov, Macedonia
- Natalia Dydo, Poland
- Olga Severina, Ukraine / USA
- Adam Klasa, Poland
- Hervé Matine, France
- Rikke Hansen, Denmark
- Krzysztof Ducki, Hungary
- Xu Wei, China
Organizator / Organiser: Polsko-Japońska Akademia Technik Komputerowych w Warszawie / Polish-Japanese Academy of Information Technology in Warsaw
Mecenas Konkursu / Patron of the Competition: Fundacja Fabryki Norblina / the Norblin Factory Foundation
Współorganizatorzy / Co-organisers: Akademia Sztuki w Szczecinie / Academy of Arts in Szczecin,
Dydo Poster Gallery
Partnerzy / Partners:
Akademia Sztuk Pięknych w Łodzi / Academy of Fine Arts in Lodz Instytut Sztuk Pięknych, Wydziału Sztuki, Uniwersytetu Warmińsko-Mazurskiego w Olsztynie / University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn
Wydarzenie towarzyszące 27. Międzynarowemu Biennale Plakatu w Warszawie / Event Accompanying to the 27th International Poster Biennale in Warsaw