FOR/AGAINST post-competition poster exhibition

The world around is changing and increasingly faces new challenges, as our contacts with others and most of our daily communications are being moved online. Do such changes teach us anything new, and are they necessary? Will they have a positive or a negative effect on us? FOR / AGAINST (ZA/PRZECIW) are contradictory expressions which illustrate the bipolarity of the world and its divisions but also showcase the freedom of choice. Through this bipolarity FOR / AGAINST does not impose a positive or a negative meaning.The main goal of the project is to analyse the current social discussions and to compare the different perspectives on current issues.

The exhibition will show the 50 final posters selected by the international Jury composed of: Lech Majewski, Poland ,Suzana Machicao, Bolivia, Götz Gramlich, Germany, Agnieszka Ziemiszewska, Poland, Leo Lin, Taiwan, Xavier Bermúdez, Mexico, Tomoko Miyagawa, Japan, Arafat Al-Naim, UAE, Laze Tripkov, Macedonia, Natalia Dydo, Poland, Olga Severina, Ukraine / USA, Adam Klasa, Poland, Hervé Matine, France, Rikke Hansen, Denmark, Krzysztof Ducki, Hungary, Xu Wei, China


During the vernissage, the winners of the prizes funded by the Patron of the competition, Fabryka Norblina, will be announced.

Exhibition will take place from 3rd to 15th October 2020.

The gallery is open from Tuesday to Saturday:
2:30 PM—6:30 PM

Dydo Poster Gallery
Kraków, al. Focha 1, Poland




Organizator / Organiser: PJATK
Mecenas Konkursu / Patron of the Competition: FABRYKA NORBLINA
Współorganizatorzy / Co-organisers:
Akademia Sztuki w Szczecinie
Dydo Poster Gallery
Partnerzy / Partners:
Akademia Sztuk Pięknych w Łodzi
Instytut Sztuk Pieknych, Wydziału Sztuki, Uniwersytetu Warminsko-Mazurskiego w Olsztynie / University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn
中欧国际设计文化协会 China Europe International Design Culture Association
Wydarzenie towarzyszące / Event Accompanying to the 27th IPB Warsaw




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