Hommage à Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec. Posters from the international exhibition "Nouveau Salon des Cent" in 2001 in Paris

Hommage à Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec. Posters from the international exhibition "Nouveau Salon des Cent" in 2001 in Paris
Kraków, November-December 2024
→ Dydo Poster Gallery, al. Focha 1
→ Cracow Poster Gallery, ul. Stolarska 8-10
→ Instytut Francuski w Krakowie, ul. Stolarska 15
Exhibition opening: Thursday, November 28, 2024, 4:00 p.m. at Dydo Poster Gallery, al. Focha 1, Krakow
The exhibition "Hommage à Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec" in Krakow is a presentation of posters by international graphic designers, which were published as part of the project "Nouveau Salon des Cent" in 2001 in Paris.
Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec, a French painter and graphic artist, was born on November 24, 1864 in Albi. A representative of post-impressionism, his lithographs had a great influence on the development of the modern poster. He is also called the father of the artistic poster. 2024 will be the 160th anniversary of the artist's birth. On this occasion, the Dydo Poster Gallery in cooperation with the French Institute in Krakow is organizing an exhibition of posters from the Krzysztof Dydo collection "Dydo Poster Collection".
As a teenager, Henri suffered bone fractures that crippled him for life. He became interested in drawing and painting early on, and in 1891 he received a commission for a poster for the Moulin Rouge, which immediately brought him fame. Living and painting in the world of cabarets, bars and brothels, he died of alcohol abuse in 1901, leaving behind 31 pioneering poster works.
In memory of this great artist, in 2001 the Dutch poster artist Anthon Beeke invited 100 renowned graphic designers from 24 different countries, including China, Japan, Mexico, Brazil, the United States and most European countries, to create posters as a tribute to Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec, on the occasion of the centenary of his death. The name "Nouveau Salon des Cent" referred to a series of monthly art exhibitions in Paris in the years 1894-1900, limited to 100 artists and organized by the magazine La Plume.
The publication of the portfolio of 100 posters was initiated by the Toulouse-Lautrec Museum Partners' Club in cooperation with the Toulouse-Lautrec Museum in Albi. The circulation of the posters was limited to only 380 copies. An album was also published. The posters were exhibited in museums and galleries around the world, including the Centre Pompidou in Paris (2001).
Among the Polish authors who were included in this group are Waldemar Świerzy, Mieczysław Górowski, Grzegorz Marszałek, Stasys Eidrigevicius, Mieczysław Wasilewski oraz Piotr Młodożeniec.
Lista 100 artystów, których prace znalazły się w portfolio "Nouveau Salon des Cent": Anderson, Charles S. / Apeloig, Philippe / Balan, Franco / Batory, Michal / Beeke, Anthon / Bermudez, Xavier / Bernard, Pierre / Bierut, Michael / Bokser, Yuri / Bouvet, Michel / Bruna, Dick / Bucher, Mayo / Cato, Kenneth / Chaika, Vladimir / Chan Wing-Kei, Leslie / Chermayeff, Ivan / Chwast, Seymour / Curchod, Ronald / Davis, Paul / Delessert, Etienne / Dumbar, Gert / Edelmann, Heinz / Eidrigevicius, Stasys / Empel, Ruud van / Erlbruch, Wolf / Farah, Rafic Jorge / Fern, Dan / Ferrer, Isidro / Fletcher, Alan / Francois, Andre / Fukuda, Shigeo / Geisbuehler, Karl Domenik / Geismar, Tom / Geissbuhler, Steff / Gill, Bob / Glaser, Milton / Gorowski, Mieczyslaw / Grindler, Frieder / Hibino, Katsuhiko / Holland, Brad / Jeker, Werner / Jongema, Marten / Jordan, Alexander / Kai Liu / Kan Tai-keung / Kelley, Gary / Kieser, Gunter / Kisman, Max / Kuelling, Ruedi / Lacaz, Guto / Le Quernec, Alain / Levy, Jean Benoit / Loesch, Uwe / Mariscal, Javier / Marszalek, Grzegorz / Matthies, Holger / Maviyane-Davies, Chaz / McConnell, John / McMullan, James / Miller, Abbot / Mlodozeniec, Piotr / Momayez, Morteza / Monguzzi, Bruno / Neumann, Pierre / Nygaard, Finn / Oldani, Bruno / Orosz, Istvan / Ott + Stein / Peccinotti, Harry / Pfueller, Volker / Pfund, Roger / Piippo, Kari / Pirtle, Woody / Pocs, Peter / Rajlich, Jan jun. / Rambow, Gunter / Rodriguez, Gabriela / Saito, Makoto / Sato, U.G. / Savignac, Raymond / Scher, Paula / Schwab, Michael / Steiner, Henry / Stolk, Swip / Studio Boot / Swierzy, Waldemar / Tanaka, Ikko / Tartakover, David / Tissi, Rosmarie / Toorn, Jan van / Troxler, Niklaus / Tscherny, George / Vaughn, Oliver / Veistola, Jukka / Victore, James / Walkuski, Wieslaw / Wang Xu / Wasilewski, Mieczyslaw / Yahagi, Kijuro / Yokoo, Tadanori
The designer of the poster for the exhibition is an artist from the Academy of Fine Arts in Gdańsk - Adam Pękalski.